Tuesday, February 14, 2012

“Free Contraceptive”: Upon Further Review the “free contraceptive” problem is merely an indicator of base model failure.

A point that seems to be missed by talking heads, pundits, and media-types regarding the Catholic contraceptive issue is: this is one more episode in a series of endless episodes associated with a central planning scheme known as ObamaCare. Further, it is not Obamacare specifically, its any centrally planned scheme that by design continuously exhibits an endless series of negative episodes also known as unintended consequences.

The centrally planned scheme, as with any scheme, comes with endless tangents. Tangents of the unintended, that then interact into cascading unintended consequences.

When the unintended consequences surface one will most certainly note the classic central planning after-the-fact attempt to address unintended consequences by way of back tracking e.g.: ...oh we really meant this or that, ...oh that doesn't apply to YOU after all, ...oh we will waiver that aspect, and on and on and on it goes.

In the main, its not about Catholics, its not about contraceptives, its about a central planning scheme. Yet another scheme in a long parade of schemes based on "the way things ought to be". Scheme based propositions are never able to sort out the endless tangents.

Those gazillion tangents, that the central planners of the centrally planned scheme were suppose to take into account. Those experts with Omni-present knowledge, with grand supposed abilities, with continuous and dynamic real-time knowledge of each and every mundane aspect, that go onto design a socio-economic system…. with knowledge they do not in fact possess. (1)

Those tangents, which are so conveniently assured to never occur when central plans are sold based on a proposition of “the way things ought to be”. Those tangents that have absolutely no chance of being accounted for, but most assuredly were sold as accounted for when “the way things ought to be“ was a warm and fuzzy politico info-mercial. Yes, those many, varied, and consequential tangents go on to tarry at their haunt and re-visit time and time again.

One needs to consider being ahead of the curve regarding the following propositional arguments that surely will surface regarding the endless tangents of the scheme as it unravels and reveals its many and varied errors: (a) if the plan had been different, (b) if the planners had been different, (c) if circumstances had been different, (d) if we would have had more money, (e) if all of the above, a combination thereof, had been different.

Do centrally planned schemes by “experts” through the use of coercive powers, armed at best with non-real time general knowledge….do such schemes historically sort through items resulting in wonderful outcomes? -Or- do free market based, free people, free people basing decisions on real time mundane knowledge, making free decisions at the point of mutual self interest historically result in the best overall outcome?

(1) F.A. Hayek, from the essay The Pretense of Knowledge

1 comment:

  1. " -Or- do free market based, free people, free people basing decisions on real time mundane knowledge, making free decisions at the point of mutual self interest historically result in the best overall outcome?"

    Ah, but according to the self-appointed "experts", we knuckle-dragging troglodyte racist misogynist bigots don't know what's good for us, and should be kept perpetually poor and stupid.
